Chapter 9: The Kidnapper

In the hushed corridors, we traced the muffled cries, leading us to a surreal chamber that defied earthly logic. Monstrous machines hummed with ominous intent, surrounded by an assortment of peculiar gadgets and stacks of scattered paperwork.

Yet, amid this chaotic scene, my focus sharpened on Charlotte. She lay prone on a table-like structure, ensnared by restraints designed to immobilize her arms and legs, her fragile form displaying signs of profound weariness. Her body seemed on the verge of succumbing to fatigue.

My instinct urged me to rush to her side, but our path was obstructed by a menacing group of 10 to 15 men, entirely clad in obsidian attire, brandishing menacing weapons.

"I'll distract them. Reach Charlotte and find a way to free her," Felix's voice, steady despite the imminent danger, resonated in my ears.

"But what if they harm you?" I protested, my voice tinged with apprehension.

"We have no choice. Just go. Hurry!" His urgency spurred me into action.

I sprinted towards Charlotte, navigating the tumult with agility, trying to elude the clutches of our ominous pursuers. Meanwhile, Felix, in a desperate bid to protect us, engaged the assailants. He displayed remarkable combat skills, countering their advances with a blend of martial finesse and swift reflexes.

In swift succession, he neutralized one attacker, expertly manipulating his limbs and tossing him aside. Another assailant fell victim to his countermove, incapacitated by his own aggression. The adversaries persisted in their assault, but Felix's resilience proved formidable.

With a flurry of kicks and well-timed holds, he held them at bay. However, the odds eventually shifted against him. Multiple assailants overwhelmed him, pinning his limbs in a vice-like grip. Undeterred, Felix fought back with unwavering determination, his efforts culminating in a daring backflip that incapacitated two adversaries.

 Just when it seemed he might prevail, a brutal blow struck him on the head, rendering him unconscious.

"FELIX!" I cried out, my voice laden with desperation, as I rushed towards him, only to be met with a searing pain at the back of my head. Darkness swallowed me whole.


I gradually forced my eyes open, the world around me a blurry, spinning panorama. Distant voices murmured, and my gaze settled on a disheveled man, perhaps in his sixties, darting around the room with frantic energy, akin to a scientist consumed by an all-encompassing obsession.

His unkempt hair fell to his shoulders, and his lab coat, marked by stains and burns, seemed to mirror his chaotic state. Suppressing my urge to move, I realized that both Felix and I were securely bound to adjacent tables, alongside the still-unconscious Charlotte.

With great effort, I focused on the room. Papers covered every surface, adorned with cryptic scribbles and illustrations, interconnected by a web of crimson threads. It dawned on me that this man was not merely searching for something; he was on a relentless quest, a fervent pursuit of another world, his fixation permeating every inch of the room.