Chapter 14: No way home?

In the stark silence of my shattered home, grief gripped my heart like a vice. The realization that Emma and our child were not safe in this world had compelled me to act, to find a way back to the place where they truly belonged. But my efforts, my sacrifices, seemed futile now.


Daniel's voice, heavy with the weight of years, broke the silence. "23 years... it's been 23 years since I last saw my family."

Scarlette, her eyes wide with a mix of sympathy and confusion, said cautiously, "That must be heartbreaking! But I still don't get why you kidnapped Charlotte!"

The pain of those memories clawed at my soul, but I pressed on, compelled to explain. "I kidnapped her because, coincidentally, I had overheard the conversation you and Charlotte had on the day you got drunk and confessed that you love—"

"OK! NO NEED FOR FURTHER EXPLANATION ON THAT!" Scarlette interrupted, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. "But since you found a way to send them back, you can send me back as well, right?!"

A heaviness settled in my chest as I admitted the bitter truth. "Unfortunately, I don't think that is possible."

"Why?!" Scarlette's voice rose in frustration and desperation.


Emma's tear-streaked face, filled with a mix of fear and love, haunted my memory. "Please, Daniel! Don't send me back all alone! How can I without you…"

My heart ached, but I couldn't let my emotions weaken my resolve. I gently cupped her cheeks, my touch tender but firm. "We have to do this, sweetheart! For you and for our child."

"Will we ever see each other again?" Emma's voice wavered with uncertainty.

"If God permits…" I whispered, my own voice choked with sorrow 

Emma hugged me tightly, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and acceptance. "I – I'll miss you…"

"I'll miss you more…" I replied, my voice barely audible.

Leading her towards the portal, I sent her through, my heart breaking with each step she took away from me. Alone in the silent aftermath, I wandered through the empty rooms, my home now empty of the warmth and laughter that had once filled its walls.

Every corner of the house echoed with memories of Emma and our child, a painful reminder of what I had lost. Overwhelmed by grief and despair, I fell to the floor, clutching my knees, and gave in to the pain that consumed me.

"Oh god! Why is this happening to me? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!" I screamed, my voice a raw, desperate plea to the universe, to any higher power that might offer an explanation.

In my fury, I lashed out, destroying the remnants of our life together. Every shattered piece mirrored the brokenness in my heart. But amidst the chaos, an unsettling laughter pierced the air, chilling me to the bone.

"Who's there? Hello?" I called out, my voice shaky, my eyes scanning the room for any sign of the intruder.

The laughter continued, growing louder, more menacing. Suddenly, a searing pain exploded in my chest. I gasped, my hand instinctively reaching for the source of the agony. Blood oozed through my fingers, staining them crimson. I fell to the floor, weakened by the shock and pain.

"Mr. Daniel, do you really not know who I am?" a disembodied voice taunted, the words sending shivers down my spine.

The room spun around me as I fought to stay conscious, the reality of my own mortality crashing down upon me. Darkness crept at the edges of my vision, and in those final moments, I understood the cruel irony of my fate. Alone, broken, and now fatally wounded, I awaited the unknown presence, my breaths shallow and labored, my world fading into black.