Chapter 16: The Search Begins

As the situation escalated, I found myself engaging in a desperate struggle with the two guards. Every fiber of my being resisted their iron grip. In a last-ditch effort, I managed to land a punch on one of their faces, momentarily disorienting him, while the other's grip loosened.

Seizing the opportunity, I kicked the second guard in the foot and, with sheer determination, began using anything I could get my hands on as makeshift weapons. However, my strength proved insufficient against their combined might.

A final punch sent me running for safety. I dashed from the room, slamming the door behind me and locking it. My breaths came in ragged gasps as I retreated to my office. Grabbing a hammer, I set to work dismantling the machine that had been my creation.

But it soon became apparent that my determination extended beyond this single device. A resounding crash echoed through the room as I shattered every invention, every piece of research that had ever been part of my life's work.

I had reached a point of no return, fueled by a deep resolve. I couldn't allow people like those who had taken me captive to misuse my creations for their selfish gain. My laboratory, once a haven of innovation, now lay in ruins. The only course of action that remained was to set the entire place ablaze.

In the present, Scarlett's eyes widened as Daniel revealed a glimmer of hope, albeit a perilous one. The King of Serendipity held a dark secret and a power that could potentially offer her an escape from this world. However, the path was treacherous and fraught with danger.

Daniel explained the mission, urging Scarlett to retrieve a part of the King's body, essential to rebuilding the portal that might return her home.

Felix's curiosity piqued as he questioned the sudden change in the group's mission. Charlotte, knowing the full story, reassured him they'd discuss the details later. As they readied themselves for the journey ahead, Scarlett approached Charlotte, expressing her apologies and admiration for her.

Charlotte reciprocated with warmth. "I don't know about that, but trust me, one day you will find someone just as good as him in the other world."

Daniel called them together, announcing that everything was ready. They hugged and joined the others. Setting out in search of the Lost Island of Serendipity, their path led them to a port where they encountered an unexpected confrontation—a lone man fending off several assailants with astonishing prowess.

After the skirmish, the man, without a word, boarded his ship. The group followed him, intending to request his assistance.

Felix mustered the courage to address the enigmatic man, "Umm, excuse me, are you the captain of this ship?"

The man, with a gruff and salty demeanor, replied, "Aye, the name be Captain sea dog. 'ow can I 'elp ye?"

Felix, taking the lead, continued, "We need you to take us to the Lost Island of Serendipity."

Captain Sea Dog's grizzled expression shifted to one of disbelief. "Ye guys be mad or pretendin' to be mad?"

Daniel, desperation evident in his voice, implored the captain, "Look, we know this is a very risky journey, but please, we really need your help."

However, it was Scarlett who held the ace in this high-stakes negotiation. She watched for the captain's response and, when it came, she saw an opportunity. With a sly twist, Daniel removed a couple of thousand-dollar notes from his shoe, potentially swaying the captain's decision.