Chapter 19: The Chamber of Shadows

Scarlett's heart raced as pain shot through her body. An arrow had found its mark in her side. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she pulled it out and pressed her hand against the wound, trying to stem the bleeding. The others were still under attack, and now, she was injured too.

She glanced around, searching for the source of the arrow. Through the dim light, she spotted a figure lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, she sprinted towards them, fueled by adrenaline and desperation.

Scarlett: "Stop hiding! Show yourself!"

The figure stepped into the faint light, revealing a woman with a cold, determined expression. She notched another arrow, aiming directly at Scarlett.

Woman: "You're a fool for coming here. The Chamber of Shadows is not a place for the weak-hearted."

Scarlett: "We don't have time for this. Let us through, or we all perish here."

Woman: "I have my orders. I won't let anyone pass."

Scarlett's mind raced. She needed a way to convince the woman. Desperation gave birth to an idea. 

Scarlett: "Listen, we're not your enemies. We're here to stop a man named Richard. He plans to use the King's power to wreak havoc on both our worlds. If you help us, you'll be saving countless lives."

The woman hesitated, her bow wobbling slightly in her grip. Scarlett pressed on, her voice pleading.

Scarlett: "I understand you have your duty, but this is bigger than both of us. We need to stop Richard together. Please, let us through."

For a moment, the woman seemed conflicted. The sounds of battle behind them intensified, the others struggling against the relentless assault of the shadowy figures. Time was running out.

Finally, the woman lowered her bow, her eyes flickering with uncertainty.

Woman: "Go. But know that if you fail, I'll come after you."

Scarlett nodded gratefully, not wasting a second. She sprinted back to the others, guiding them away from the deadly tiles and the approaching spikes. As they hurried through the Chamber of Shadows, Scarlett couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, but she pushed the thought aside. They had a mission to complete, and the fate of both their worlds depended on their success.