Chapter 65 The Contest Between Senior and Junior Disciples_1

"A protective amulet," Xiumei replied.

"Did you have it made especially for me?" Xu Zhengyong asked, chuckling.

"Yes, this is just a little show of sisterly concern for my junior apprentice brother," Xiumei replied with a touch of pride.

Since the person who taught Xiumei martial arts is the same one who taught Xu Zhengyong, indeed, they both hail from the same mentor.

"I am your senior apprentice brother, and you are my junior sister!" Xu Zhengyong rebutted.

Their argument over seniority had persisted for years. Each one refuses to admit being junior to the other and each always striving to be perceived as the elder one.

Xiumei: "I pledged to our master first, while you did afterward, so naturally, I am your senior whilst you are my junior."

Xu Zhengyong: "I was the first one to start learning from Master, and you are the later one, so obviously, I am your senior and you are my junior!"