Chapter 93: You are completely stupid_1

The moment Wei Ruo spotted the three men, the two men and Wei Yilin also saw Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo quickly regained her composure, casting her indifferent gaze elsewhere, pretending not to recognize Wei Yilin.

She acted as a passerby who hadn't recognized Wei Yilin nor the two men with him as kidnappers, and nonchalantly walked away.

The two men watched Wei Ruo warily, but seeing her demeanor unaltered, and assuming she hadn't recognized them, they gradually relaxed.

As long as they weren't discovered, they would stick to the principle of avoiding trouble, and not unnecessarily harm passersby.

Wei Ruo naturally turned around and started walking back.

Meanwhile, in her mind, she was praying - Don't make a sound, Yilin. Don't call my name, pretend you don't see me! If you stay silent, I can return with help to rescue you! If you call out, we're done for!