Wei Ruo replied, "Firstly, about late autumn rice. When vile sprout disease appeared in some rice fields near Government City, I asked them to plant late autumn rice. I have previously tested this variety in Xingshan county—it was planted at the start of May. By early June it grows into seedlings, and it can also be harvested in the autumn with a decent yield."
"If there is still time to plant this autumn rice, that would be wonderful. I'll discuss this with my husband, and we should promote this autumn rice to the public," replied Madam Yuan hurriedly.
"However, there's a prerequisite—we cannot have another cold wave like we had the past few days, or even with the late autumn rice, it would still be an issue to grow seedlings in such fluctuating conditions," cautioned Wei Ruo.
The rice variety she had developed was indeed outstanding, yet it still was not capable of sprouting under intense cold wave conditions.