007 I want to do whatever I want with you_1

Su Luo's face turned red, forcing herself to act calm: "All those things were necessary for removing the Gu poison! Who else would take off your clothes, do you think you're a book or something?"

Jiang Shu slightly frowned; he did not understand what she meant. He covered his mouth coughing a few times, his ears turning red: "Why did you save me?"

This was a critical question!

Su Luo took a deep breath, giving an answer she had prepared in advance: "I think someone covets my beauty and wishes to harm me and my family. So I wanted to make an ally. The day I grabbed you was because I noticed you had been poisoned by Gu, I could save you. Me crying and insisting on marrying you was to confuse those who wish to harm you! I will help you deal with all these monsters at home and outside, and use your wife's name to protect myself. How does this deal sound to you?"

Jiang Shu's beautiful, delicate eyes suddenly turned cold. Not knowing whether it was due to her shameless words, he turned his head away and coughed violently.

Su Luo looked puzzled. She was just telling the truth!

Though her beauty could not match her husband's, among the women in Ye City, she was definitely one of the best.

Jiang Shu's beauty was like moonlight, soft and charming, while Su Luo's beauty was like the blazing sun, with a burning, irresistible charm.

Jiang Shu remained silent for a long time. Su Luo felt unsure, but noticed his hostility seemed to have diminished. She wrapped herself with a blanket and crawled back onto the bed like a cat.

After sleeping on the hard bed in the Cold Palace for so long, having a chance for a rebirth, she naturally wanted to create the best conditions for herself.

Su Luo curled up into a ball, laying as far inside as possible.

Whether the deal goes through or not, she shouldn't treat herself poorly, right? After all, she's been reborn, why should she suffer by sleeping on the floor?

Jiang Shu coughed even harder, the corner of his mouth slightly twitching...

He ignored Su Luo, walked to the window, and soon, a shadow quietly appeared, kneeling on the ground.

"Did she tell the truth?"

"She did! At first, I wanted to stop her from acting recklessly towards the Princely Heir, but after hearing her discuss saving you with a maid, I chose not to.."

His master's body was already at the end of its tether, the Hidden Guard only had a glimmer of hope at the time.

"She didn't do anything excessive?"

Did something excessive such as dripping wax on both the master and servant count?

The Hidden Guard paused a moment, then shook his head: "No!"

Where did the man go now? Su Luo decided to take things as they come, having exhausted herself for a full day. She wrapped the blanket around herself, stretched out in a 'Da' character shape, only to find the man has returned.

He walked to the side of the bed, somehow brought along another quilt, closed his eyes, and laid down. However, what was the point of tying a knot on his underwear before lying down?

Su Luo, infuriated, kicked him. The man dodged and her kick missed.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The man didn't even open his eyes, but wrapped himself in a thick brocade quilt, his face turned beet red from coughing, his voice lacking strength: "Okay!"

Su Luo was taken aback, "Huh?" she asked aloud.

It seemed like it took the man a lot of effort, but he replied: "We will cooperate, I will protect you later! But I have some conditions..."

Su Luo interrupted him: "I know, non-interference in internal affairs. In the future, I won't have an opinion or intervene whether you marry ten, eight or a hundred concubines. It's a two-year term, I just need your protection for two years. Once my issues are resolved, I will take the initiative to leave!"

The man was silent a moment: "You've really thought it all through!"

Su Luo laughed a few times, seeing him still laying on the bed and thinking about the knot he tied, she annoyingly said: "So since I saved you, you're going to offer yourself to me?"

Jiang Shu looked up at her.

His eyes, which were usually attractive, now emitted a dangerous message.

Were all barbarians so shameless?

He wanted to see just how shameless this woman could be: "It's my great mercy and tolerance not to mind your smell and to share a bed on our first wedding night, you should be the one to face public criticism!"

Su Luo thought about it for a few seconds: "That's not right, we're a fake couple after all, this isn't appropriate! Besides, with all the windows and doors shut, who would know that we're sleeping apart?"

She secretly wondered what if he denied everything later and tried to strangle her to death?

Jiang Shu's slim, white fingers pinched the corner of the quilt, slowly said: "You're right, then you sleep on the floor!"

Su Luo!

Does this man have no gentlemanly demeanor?

Well, enough of words. It's time for some actions!

Su Luo mustered all her strength and swiftly kicked towards Jiang Shu.