011 Anger those with jealousy_1

What's with this man?

He was sick just a moment ago, yet when no one was watching, he became as lively as a dragon or a tiger?

"Didn't you say before that, even if Duke's Residence is not implicated, it cannot be exempted. I'll verify whether you are indeed…"

Su Luo's scalp tingled. Does this man have ears everywhere? How did he hear everything? "Princely Heir, I was wrong. I was just angry that Mother broke the rules. I promise I will never talk nonsense again!"

Jiang Shu paused in his step.

Was she giving in so soon? Originally, he wanted to rip off her clothes to scare her a bit!

Jiang Shu found the situation rather dull and let her go. Su Luo hurried into the inner room to get dressed, while Qing Yi tidied up the bedding.

Coughing lightly, Jiang Shu asked, "What did your lady mean when she said that I consider myself a book?"

Qing Yi turned around, fluttering her eyelashes, "Lady hates reading. It makes her drowsy! Perhaps she meant to tell you not to be so full of yourself because she wouldn't fall asleep just by looking at you!"

Jiang Shu's face darkened.

Qing Yi realized that she had perhaps spoken too bluntly and was quick to explain, "Sir, don't be angry. She doesn't only insult you like this. When the young master was showing off in front of Lady, she would always scold him in this way!"

Jiang Shu's face darkened even more, his back teeth grinding together.

What kind of woman had he married?

Qing Yi involuntarily shrank back. His gaze was scary.

After getting dressed, Qing Yi helped Su Luo with her makeup. With a slight touch of makeup, her stunning beauty was overwhelming. By appearance alone, it was difficult to find anyone in Ye City who could compete with her.

Jiang Shu was stunned by her reflection in the bronze mirror.

Qing Yi sneaked a glance at him, and stopped combing Su Luo's hair into a married woman's bun. She asked in a hushed tone, "Lady, are you really not going to divorce him?"

"I am definitely not divorcing him. My parents would be unhappy about it!"

"But Lady, that's not what you said before!"

Su Luo asked, "What did I say before?"

"You said that the Princely Heir is fierce. You also said that in the future, he would have numerous wives and concubines. You would be alone every day, washing your face with tears and living a gloomy life..."

Su Luo waved her hand dismissively, "It doesn't matter. If that day ever comes, I would just return all those poisonous insects to him. Then I will see where he will find the strength to have multiple wives and concubines!"

Although they lowered their voices, Jiang Shu, with his exceptional hearing, was able to make out every single word. His throat itched, and his hands were extremely restless. He grunted, "I need to wash my hands!"

The Mother Gui waiting outside was baffled. He had just washed his hands half an hour ago, hadn't he? Regardless, she dared not delay and swiftly ordered a maid to bring warm water in.

In the time it took for both of them to change their clothes, gossip had already spread throughout the Duke Residence.

Although the Princely Heir was all better, it seemed as if his soul had been led astray by that barbarian. He had even punished Lady Li's maid and the delightfully tempered Madam, all for her.

Poor Princely Heir. That savage woman must have used some kind of enchantment on him.

Along the way to pay respects with tea, Su Luo received quite a few scornful looks.

She grabbed Jiang Shu's hand, leaning her body's weight onto him.

This would surely infuriate this group of jealous people!

She was so beautiful, it was only inevitable that she would enchant their Princely Heir and make him lose track of his surroundings!

Preparing for the wedding over the past few days, Lady Li spent a hefty amount inquiring about the situation of the Duke's Residence.

The Duke of Qi was still stationed at the border. Since Jiang Shu's wedding had been arranged hastily, he was not able to make it back in time.

Currently, the highest-ranking person in the Duke's Residence was Jiang Shu's grandmother.

The late Duke of Qi had three sons and one daughter. The eldest son, the second son, and the only daughter were born of his legitimate wife, while his third son was of illigitimate birth.

Jiang Shu's father was the eldest legitimate son and had inherited the title of the Duke of Qi. The Duke of Qi only had one legitimate wife, who was Su Luo's mother-in-law.

Su Luo's mother-in-law came from a rather significant family. Her father was Marquis Yancheng. In the past, when His Majesty was making his incognito tour, he was ambushed. Marquis Yancheng gave up his life to protect His Majesty, leaving behind an only daughter. Later on, His Majesty took her into the palace to grow up under the tutelage of the Empress Dowager and conferred her the title of Princess Pingning.

Jiang Shu was the eldest legitimate son of Princess Pingning, who also had set of twelve-year-old twin brother and sister.

However, it was strange that Jiang Shu, the legitimate son, was not favored by Princess Pingning.

All the people in Songhe Hall, where the old Madam lived, had already arrived, having waited there for a good half hour.

"Mother, should I send someone to hurry them along?" suggested Princess Pingning.

The old lady was quietly sipping her tea, showing no signs of impatience. "What's the rush? His health is poor. It's good that he can sleep a little more!"

Everyone had different expressions on their faces.

The old lady asked, "Is the cushion soft?"

"It is soft. It definitely won't wear out Princely Heir's knees!"

"Is his tonic soup ready?"

"It's ready and being kept warm for Princely Heir to drink as soon as he finishes paying respects with tea!"

At last, someone could not endure any longer.

Su Luo could hear a rather harsh female voice from a distance even before she reached the door, "Mother, just look at what she said! What did she mean by 'if he loathes her for not being innocent, he can divorce her'? Once this gets out, won't our Duke's Residence become the joke of Manye City?"

The door was wide open. From her seat, Su Luo guessed that it must be the third wife.

She had her arm linked with Jiang Shu's as they walked inside. He was walking slowly, panting lightly, occasionally hacking out a cough or two.

Upon entering, he called softly, "Grandmother!"

The old lady immediately got up with the assistance of her walking stick, "Shushu, sit down quickly!"

Everyone else then stood up. Even unwillingly, they had to show respect towards this fragile and aloof Princely Heir, who would one day be the head of the Duke's Residence.

Su Luo bowed to everyone, smiled lightly at the third wife, "I just heard what third aunt was telling grandmother. I was being thoughtless, speaking casually with the maids. How could such things leak out? The behavioral rules of our Duke's Residence are not that lax, right, third aunt?"