009 White Lotus Cousin_1

He was twirling the teacup with his excessively beautiful fingers that seemed unintentional, but a hole the size of a fingertip suddenly appeared on the perfectly good teacup.

The Prefectural Doctor was sweating profusely, how could he not understand the implicit message: "I understand!"

Jiang Shu issued a vague hum, stood up, and resumed his sickly appearance, as if the sharp demeanor just now was only the Prefectural Doctor's illusion.

Watching the beautiful Princely Heir about to leave, the Prefectural Doctor still could not hold back, admonishing seriously: "I heard about last night's incident. Now that the Heir has just recovered from a serious illness, you must not overwork. Take your time!"

"Cough cough cough..." Jiang Shu was about to cough his lungs out!

After Jiang Shu left, Mother Rong began to rummage around the bed and a miss also came in, her eyes stubbornly fixed on the bed.

Qing Yi whispered in Su Luo's ear: "This is the young master's distant cousin, her name is An Ling. I heard she was originally going to be Crown Princess!"

Su Luo finally understood, no wonder she held such deep resentment towards her, it was because she took her spot.

Mother Rong searched for a while without success, then raised her head to ask Su Luo: "Lady, I cannot find any traces of blood on the bed, it would be hard for this old servant to explain!"

Although her tone was careful, her words clearly expressed suspicion towards Su Luo's chastity. Qing Yi clenched her fists in anger.

Yet Su Luo seemed indifferent: "Qing Yi, fetch me a plain handkerchief!"

Qing Yi handed over the handkerchief, Su Luo bit open the tip of her finger, squeezed out two drops of blood onto the handkerchief, then stuffed the handkerchief into Mother Rong's hand: "Now you can explain it!"

"This isn't quite appropriate!"

Su Luo smiled: "Mother, if you believe I'm unsuited for this position, you can report to the Empress and ask her to rescind her edict. Ah, with my beauty and background, who would willingly marry a sickly man. If the Empress agrees, I'd be more than happy! Though without me to bring good luck, Who knows if the Princely Heir's health will worsen again! Whether you want to explain this or not, that's up to you!"

Mother Rong's face changed, but she still persisted: "This servant will truthfully report to the Commandery Princess!"

She eventually took the handkerchief after all.

An Ling softly said, "Mother, you may leave first. I have a few words to say to my cousin's wife privately."

An Ling apparently had some standing in the residence, as Mother Rong led a group of people out and even kindly closed the door.

Su Luo was just about to see what trick she wanted to play when she suddenly slapped Su Luo in the face and said: "You wretch, do you truly believe my cousin wants to marry you? It's just my aunt wanting to drag you with us to the grave. You're not a complete virgin, yet you dare to be so arrogant, I'll tell everyone right now!"

Having said that, she stormed out angrily.

Su Luo was stunned.

She never expected that this woman, who was extremely weak one second, would turn hostile in the next, thus she had not been on guard and had received a slap on the face.

She touched her hot cheek, her eyes darkening.

A distant cousin dared to slap her directly, this Duke Residence really treated her horribly!

Qing Yi was furious: "Miss, wait here, I will bring her back right now!"

She had hardly rushed out when An Ling's crying voice came from outside: "Cousin, you must stand up for me!"

As she spoke, An Ling was already following Jiang Shu back into the room.

Half of her face was swollen, and she said mournfully: "Cousin's wife, I know you're unhappy about my closeness with my cousin. I promise that I will be careful in the future. Why do you have to treat me like this?"