028 Dazzle your dog eyes with gold_1

Because what rolled out from the box was nothing else but gleaming ingots of gold, quickly piling up into a small hill in the blink of an eye.

The Duke Residence was brightly lit, and the light reflected off these gold ingots pierced straight into the eyes of those people who had just mocked Marquis Huaiyuan's residence.

A golden glare burning their eyes!

Jian Shu scolded, "How could you be so careless! Pick them up quickly!"

After reprimanding them, he unveiled the other four chests one by one, each filled, without exception, with shining gold ingots.

Jian Shu bent down respectfully and said, "Lady, this is the ten thousand taels of gold that the Marquis has sent for you. Each box contains two thousand taels. Please confirm the count."

As Jian Shu spoke, the two burly men who had knocked over the box hastened to gather the gold, throwing each piece back into the box.

"Swish" "Swish" "Swish"…