091 Are you prepared to take all the responsibilities? _1

Su Luo's eyes widened abruptly, and she clenched her fists unconsciously, "What did you say?"

Zhan Qing wore a forlorn expression. "I kept them locked with the account books. After the fire broke out, we first rescued the accounts room. Some account books were burnt, but it wasn't a big problem. However, the land deeds are all missing!"

Su Luo's heart slowly sunk into despair.

"It seems that these land deeds were the real targets of those people. The fight, destruction, and fire were all just a distraction!"

Zhan Xi had recovered from his initial anger and regret and was organizing everyone to rescue and calm everyone's emotions.

The loss of the land deeds was a significant issue. But the paper mill, which had just gotten back on track, encountering this kind of trouble, would inevitably stir unrest. Pacifying people's hearts was now the top priority.