097 If you lose, don't blame our casino for bullying people_1

Everyone was shocked.

They had only just begun, and yet they were already playing big.

Qing Yi's hands were trembling: "M-m, master, sh-shouldn't we be cautious? We only brought one thousand taels of silver!"

Jiang Yang's facial muscles were twitching.

The spectators grew excited, they all stopped playing, craning their necks in anticipation of the result.

Shen Liang, however, was in no rush, still sporting a smiling expression, "Young Master Su, are you sure? Once the bet is placed, there's no backing down!"

Su Luo just tilted her chin, nonchalantly, "Why so much nonsense, if I lose, can't I still borrow money from your casino?"

Shen Liang's eyes narrowed to slits.

Look at this kind of carry-on, truly, there was no doubt that she was a prodigal!

The crowd of onlookers became quite agitated: "Roll, roll…"

The dice caster lifted the dice cup.

Eight points.

Su Luo won.

"She actually won!"

"A bet of one thousand just like that, this luck is just too damn enviable!"
