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Jiang Shu momentarily halted, his expression cool and impassive.

Indeed, this was a matter of the royal family, which he, as an external minister, would not ordinarily be permitted to involve himself in.

Lady Sun had once been a maid serving under the Empress. After being promoted to nobility, she became adept at discerning and responding appropriately to others' moods and comments. But in the end, she remained akin to a dog raised by the Empress.

Wherever the Empress's faction pointed, she was expected to bite.

Noticing Jiang Shu's immediate obedience, Lady Sun couldn't hide her self-satisfied smirk.

However, at that moment, Li Gonggong spoke up, "Jiang Shu is specifically summoned by the Empress Dowager!"

The color drained from Lady Sun's face, she cast her eyes down and stepped aside. Before she could respond, Li Gonggong added, "The room is quite small, Lady Sun. Perhaps it would be best if you wait outside."

Lady Sun...