142 Watching people take down plates, what the hell is this?_1

Qing Yi was furious, "Getting into trouble? What kind of trouble could she get into? Mother Liu, you better not be spouting nonsense. If you slander our Lady, you will be held accountable!"

"If no wrong has been done, there's nothing to fear from gossip, but I heard the Young Madam is entangled with other men in the palace..."

Su Luo frowned, this information from Mother Liu surely must have come from Princess Pingning.

She must have gone to great lengths to find out, but unfortunately, the information was incomplete and disjointed.

"Shut up!" Qing Yi was furious, "Speak another word, I'll tear your mouth apart! Don't mistake my restraint for weakness!"

Seeing that they were about to fight, Su Luo lightly cleared her throat.

There was a sudden gasp in the courtyard, followed promptly by the room door being pushed open like a gust of wind, Qing Yi barged in, "My Lady, you are awake, Are you feeling better now?"