179 Be careful when the time comes_1

Zhu Jiao suddenly became serious.

As the hostess of the Summer Banquet, she would be held responsible for any mishap that occurred. For a moment, she felt relieved that it was her who fell into the water.

If it had been some other noblewoman, who can say how many more problems would have arisen?

But now, the crying was evidently a woman's.

In such a gathering, crowded and diverse, if something defaming happened, it would indeed be a scandal, and the Zhu family would also be blamed.

Zhu Jiao hurriedly moved forward, Su Luo closely following her. They went around the artificial hill and found Xing Zhi, weeping in a hollow.

Startled by the approaching footsteps, Xing Zhi hastily wiped her tears on her sleeve and forced a smile.

She saw Su Luo, the last person she wanted to see at the moment.