221 Marital Strife_1

Wei Jiuzhong's eyebrows concealed his anger, "Stand up now!"

Wei Jin looked guilty, "All of this is due to my negligence, which has led to this current situation. Please allow me to kneel, it's the least I could do to ease my conscience."

Wei Jiuzhong indeed had a belly full of fire he wanted to vent. But seeing him so humble and repeatedly apologizing, it would be unreasonable to reprimand him further.

He was truly feeling suffocated!

Wei Jiuzhong slammed his fist on the table, "That damn Shen Cong, a mere troublemaker, dared to play games with me, going back on his word, this is outrageous!"

Wei Jin's eyes flashed, "Your Highness, if he's going to be this ungrateful, I could have him dealt with. His actions have been far too excessive."