Bite hard 241_1

Zhu Jiao left Bai Xiang's house in a huff.

When she got into the carriage, her cheeks were still all puffed up. Su Luo poked at them with her hand. "You came to mock others, but ended up being frustrated yourself. This is really not worth it!"

"Su Luo, I can't believe you're still laughing!" Zhu Jiao frowned. "Look at how arrogant she is! I really don't understand what she has to be thrilled about. It's come to this point, could she still turn the tables around? I guess she's probably thinking since things have already turned out this way, she might as well throw caution to the wind."

Zhu Jiao's speculation was not unreasonable.

Since she was bound to be disowned by the aristocratic circle in the future, there wasn't any need for pretense now. She might as well just blurt out all her thoughts.

Su Luo furrowed her eyebrows, carefully recalling Bai Zi's expression earlier, and slowly responded, "She might still have a plan."