Is 271 shameless_1?

The implication of her words was clear as day.

Su Luo didn't enjoy the scent of incense, and Bai Zi's clothing smelt too strongly of it.

Whether it was the scent that was nauseating, or it was she herself who was nauseating, Bai Zi knew it all too well.

However, what tormented Bai Zi most were not these words, but rather Jiang Shu's protective attitude towards Su Luo. Even knowing this woman had previous entanglements with other men and another man's shadow lurking within her heart, he didn't care at all.

A man like that...

Compared to Wei Jin...

Bai Zi was practically infuriated beyond belief.

Jiang Shu helped Su Luo into the carriage, and once seated, Su Luo asked, "Why were you here today, my husband?"

"I happened to pass by after leaving court!"

The journey from court didn't seem to pass this way?