298 Caught on the Spot_1

At this moment, Su Luo was also in the garden, but she seemed to be heading in the exact opposite direction of the Second Madam.

Beyond those she had personally invited, even more people had gathered around her due to her deliberate approach.

Xiaohei's blatant eavesdropping naturally garnered attention, but everyone being civilized, even if they were curious, couldn't openly question it.

But Su Luo seemed to see through everyone's thoughts.

She smiled slightly: "My maid has discovered something interesting, I plan on watching a play later, would you all like to join?"

Zhu Jiao was very supportive, "Of course, I always enjoy accompanying Sister Su."

Liu Mianmian was reserved and stayed silent.

Cha Yuemu was quite interested: "I always enjoy a spectacle!"

In matters like these, Su Qing always listened to her younger sister.

The others naturally harbored a curiosity about the performance. As they followed Su Luo, they met King Rui and Bai Zi heading in their direction.