315 Leaving you for someone better_1

Standing timidly by the side door at this moment, she was somewhat at a loss as she watched the scene unfold.

Her eldest daughter was already four years old and her second daughter was three.

Both were beginning to understand things.

Now, seeing their parents arguing, with so many onlookers, and everyone focusing their gaze on them, the two young girls, pink and round, looked rather pale.

Zhu Yue's face changed dramatically, she didn't even have time to admonish the two children's mothers.

She rushed forward and said, "How did you two come out? Go back quickly, your mother and father have some matters to deal with!"

This was a golden opportunity!

So far Li Yuan would not let it slip away.

He quickly extended his hands, his face wearing a loving smile, "Momo, Yanyan, come, come to your father!"

Li Momo hesitated, frozen on the spot.

In her memory, her father was rarely so affectionate; she was not used to it and was somewhat overwhelmed.