326 Addicted to Eavesdropping_1

Even though they didn't know what he was up to, everyone instinctively stopped their horses.

In the dense forest ahead, a deer was poking its head out tentatively.

It was truly beautiful, with glossy fur, a face like a horse, antlers like a deer, a neck like a camel, and a tail like a donkey, and on top of its pair of horns, there was a small segment of a flower vine wrapped around.

At a glance, one might mistakenly believe those unknown yellow flowers wrapped around its horns were actually growing there.

It had a pair of large and crystal clear eyes which were clean and transparent, extremely captivating.

Surprisingly, there was a fawn that had just learned how to walk following behind it. The fawn's body was wobbly, its large eyes innocent and adorably naive. It seemed to have suffered a slight injury, as one of its antlers was a little broken.

A glance at such a sight could easily soften one's heart.