Chapter 235 Hope you are happy_1

Jiang Xianmei took a deep breath, knowing she couldn't continue like this anymore. She struggled to steady her emotions, then said, "Dezhou, I know you've been good to me, but I want to start anew now, in a space of my own."

A hint of loss and pain flickered in Meng Dezhou's eyes, he looked somewhat at a loss.

"Xianmei, I... I just hope that you can be happy." His voice chocked a little, sounding utterly helpless.

Jiang Xianmei walked over, gently grasping Meng Dezhou's hand, her eyes filled with gratitude and apology: "Dezhou, you are a good person, I cherish our friendship. But now I really need a space of my own."

Her words were simple yet firm, she knew she had to make this decision for her own future.

Meng Dezhou looked at her, his eyes filled with reluctance and disappointment. But in the end, he nodded, saying with sadness, "Alright, Xianmei. I respect your decision."