Chapter 352. Serious Attitude towards Love_1

Pei Jingchuan immediately broke his seriousness: "Now it is working hours."

His voice was steady and powerful, but his gaze vaguely revealed a hint of embarrassment.

Pei Yanqing realized that he might have said something wrong, hastily closed his mouth, and stopped joking.

He adjusted his mentality and began to seriously handle the tasks at hand.

After Pei Yanqing finished his work and left.

Pei Jingchuan's gaze unconsciously fell on the red mark on his neck.

Looking at the small mark, the corners of Pei Jingchuan's mouth couldn't help but rise, revealing a rare smile.

That small mark, insignificant as it may seem, symbolizes the deep sentiment and beautiful memories between him and Jiang Yuzhu.

Pei Jingchuan picked up his phone, turned to Jiang Yuzhu's contact information, and gently typed a few words: "Yuzhu, what do you want to eat at noon? I will go home and make it for you."