Chapter 396 Detailed Report _1

Assistant Qin nodded in earnest, his expression serious. "Understood, Boss Pei. I will closely monitor their every move and report to you promptly."

The conference room gradually emptied, with Pei Jingchuan standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his gaze piercing the night and looking out to the bustling city landscape.

The following day, Pei Jingchuan arrived at the company early in the morning.

The office environment was especially focused and quiet, the sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling window cast a warm patch on the tidy desk.

Assistant Qin was already waiting inside the office, a comprehensive project report in his hands.

Seeing Pei Jingchuan enter, he immediately stood up, his expression serious.

"Boss Pei, this is the detailed report from last night's project launch," Assistant Qin handed over the file with a trace of respect in his voice.