With Song Yanghao's decision being finalized, the office of the Shen Group fell into a tense atmosphere.

Shen Nian sat in her office, her face instantly turned pale when her assistant brought the news that Song Yanghao's company had canceled all cooperation.

Shen Nian stood up in shock, her voice incredulous, "What? Song Yanghao canceled all cooperation? How is that possible?"

The assistant's face was grave, carefully responding, "Yes, Miss Shen. The assistant from Song Yanghao's company just notified us that they have decided to terminate all business dealings with us."

A strong sense of unease and anger welled up in Shen Nian's heart. Clenching her fists with a shaking voice, she asked, "How is that possible? Why would Song Yanghao do such a thing? Our cooperation is also important for them!"