Chapter 433 - The Whispers of the Wind_1

Jiang Yuzhu lifted her head at the sound of his voice, her face streaked with traces of her dried tears. She tried to hide her emotions.

"I wasn't crying, just some dust in my eyes." She said, her voice tinged with an element of defiance.

Pei Jingchuan did not believe Jiang Yuzhu's words. He gently sat beside her on the bed, caressing her hair tenderly.

His voice full of concern, "Yuzhu, tell me what happened. You shouldn't bear it all by yourself."

Jiang Yuzhu was still visibly upset, she responded with resentment towards Pei Jingchuan, "Why did you come back? Couldn't you have just gone to see Shen Nian?"

Pei Jingchuan sensed her anger amid her allegations.

He knew that at this point, only honesty would clear Jiang Yuzhu's misunderstandings.

Calmly, he explained, "Yuzhu, listen to me. My interactions and kindness towards Shen Nian were solely because I wanted to acquire her company."