The Truth Revealed

The conference room was dead quiet.

Everyone was stupefied, looking at Samuel incredulously. Their eyes were sliding back and forth between Keira and Samuel, feeling as if their brains had frozen.

Why would Samuel call Keira, Dr. South?

Could Keira be Dr. South?

Jake shouted, "Samuel, what are you messing around with? Dr. South's identity isn't to be taken lightly!"

Samuel chuckled. "I knew you'd all question this."

He took out his patent proof from his bag and held it up for everyone to see.

It was Dr. South's identification, and the name written on it was clearly Keira. With the official seals, there was no way to forge this.

Jake's pupils contracted, and he stood there in shock as though struck by lightning.

He stared blankly at Keira, suddenly feeling like he was a joke!!