
Ellis always felt there was something strange between his third uncle and Mrs. Olsen.

His third uncle had always thought highly of Lewis and had specifically instructed him not to be his enemy, saying that after the family's future was handed over, Lewis would need to take extra care of things.

It was as if Ellis wasn't as good as Lewis... but that wasn't the point.

The point was that this highly regarded Lewis almost had a fallout with his uncle over Mrs. Olsen.

So at first, Ellis speculated whether his uncle might be in love with Mrs. Olsen, or perhaps, Mrs. Olsen's daughter could be his uncle's daughter?

Lewis couldn't be bothered with him.

Besides, this was Keira's private matter, and it didn't seem right to let everyone know that Mrs. Olsen had been unfaithful, so he didn't say much.

Knowing his character, Ellis didn't press him further but instead looked toward Keira, trying to find a trace of his uncle in her...