

Oliver's forehead was covered in even more cold sweat.

If Keira had such a powerful patron, what hope would the first branch of the family have?!

Where on earth did Lewis find such a wife? She was an illegitimate daughter to begin with, but her status soared all of a sudden!

He looked to Nathan for help.

But he saw Nathan cough and suddenly say, "Send a message to Selena, have her tidy up old Mrs. Horton's room a bit, and wait for our distinguished guest."

Oliver immediately understood his meaning and quickly took out his phone to send a message to Selena!

Next, he heard Lewis ask, "Uncle Olsen, are you having dinner here tonight?"

"No," Uncle Olsen said. "I heard that there's a famous private kitchen in Oceanion called Fragrance House, and Ellis has booked a spot for me."

Lewis nodded indifferently and looked toward the courtyard ahead.