Horton Family

Keira followed behind Howard and only realized it was a small villa after they exited the door.

There was a seven-seater van parked in front of the villa, worth about a hundred thousand.

With no family driver, Howard tossed Amy onto the back seat before taking his place behind the wheel.

From this, it could be inferred that the Keera family belonged to the middle class, with a stable income, but not much. They had a slightly above-average lifestyle.

But they were not from a wealthy family.

As she pondered, she saw Howard's mother catch up. She threw her luggage in the back and sat down in the passenger seat.

Howard looked at Keira impatiently. "Aren't you getting in the car yet?"

Keira looked down quietly, got in the car, and sat in the back, holding the terrified and trembling Amy.