Chapter 314

Mary, upon hearing this, felt as if she had found her anchor.

Indeed, how could the truth be known without asking?

She suddenly looked at Ellis and said, "I'm not sick. I'm pregnant."


The corridor suddenly fell silent.

After Mary said those words, her heart began to pound wildly, but the weight that had been pressing on her chest seemed to vanish.

Keera was right…

The child wasn't just hers alone; she shouldn't be the only one to decide its fate.

She quietly watched Ellis.

But she saw Ellis was already stunned.

After he heard her words, his gaze fell on her abdomen.

The indoor heating was turned up high, and Mary had taken off her coat. Underneath, the sweater she wore clung to her slender figure; her waist and abdomen were thin, and there were no visible signs of pregnancy.

Ellis's gaze then returned to Mary's face.

The concern on his face gradually receded, his eyes turning icy cold.