Chapter 316

Mr. Olsen frowned, unable to understand. He asked, "Your sister has been wronged. You can't just ignore it, can you?"

Ellis' mother hurriedly said, "Is it because you are too busy? Recently, Ellis has been helping Sam manage the company… Let's not distract him…"

Mr. Olsen nodded, and then he said, "That young Miss Davis is from the Davis family, and we have to show the Davis family some respect and let it be. But the one called Keera, she's too arrogant. She must pay a price for this!"

Christina's face lit up when she heard this.

She was about to say something when Ellis said, "You are not to touch Keera!"

These words brought a moment of silence to the room.

Mr. and Mrs. Olsen looked at him, puzzled.

Christina was also taken aback and carefully asked, "Ellis, is it because of Mary? Do you really have feelings for her?"

Ellis was now feeling irritated whenever he heard the name Mary.