Chapter 329

Mary halted immediately when she saw Ellis.

She threw the tissue into the trash can nearby and then stood up straight, tidying the messy hair that had fallen over her face as she had been crouching down.

Then, she finally said, "Mr. Olsen, this is the ladies' restroom, I believe."

"I know," Ellis said languidly, leaning against the wall. "I just came to see your pitiful state. What's the matter? Is your pregnancy making you feel so awful? Wouldn't it be easier to just terminate it?"

Hearing those words, Mary trembled.

She clenched her fingers and said, "This is a private matter, and it's not your concern."

Seeing her like this, Ellis sneered. "Then I apologize for meddling! But as an unmarried woman, once your pregnancy becomes public, it won't reflect well on you, will it?"

Mary tensed her jaw, not wanting to speak, and walked directly past him.