Chapter 332

As Ken spoke, everyone was shocked.

No one had expected that the head of the Davis family would carry out punishment in front of such a large audience.

Even Christina was taken aback, and she exchanged a glance with Victoria.

Although it was the 21st century, with a well-established legal system, families as entrenched as theirs still had their own family laws.

These were in place to punish those who didn't break the law but smeared the family's reputation.

Those outside the family weren't privy to such matters; no family would enforce its laws in front of outsiders. Large families cared about dignity  — they wouldn't broadcast the disciplining of their own  but prefer to handle it privately.

Today's mention of family law was simply meant to pressure the Davis family into punishing Mary upon returning home.

Chad was also confused. "Dad, maybe we should go home and carry this out there..."