Chapter 350

Keira looked at Rebecca in shock.

She couldn't imagine how that reserved girl from Oceanion could have transformed into the person she was now...

Sharp, spiteful...

She quietly sighed.

Mary also frowned, "Rebecca, do you think you're somehow better than everyone else? Let me tell you, I want Keera to be my bridesmaid on stage!"

Rebecca ignored her, still staring at Ellis. "Ellis, say something!"

Ellis sneered. "Rebecca, what do you want me to say? About how you could have turned out like this? I can tell you with certainty that among everyone present today, Keera is the most suitable person by status!"

"Keera" was his own cousin!

Among the five major families, the Olsen family ranked second; the wealthy ones here were all inferior to the Olsen family.

According to this ranking, "Keera" was indeed the one with the highest status among everyone at the event!