Chapter 479

Keira, standing nearby, was slightly startled when she heard this.

Why her?

She wasn't trained skilled in surgery at all!

Because of her research on medication, she knew a bit about medical science…

As she was thinking, Austin also asked the same question. "Isn't Nora someone who researches medication? Why can she save my sister?"

The dean said, "Miss Gill's is bleeding internally. Currently, we're gambling our luck and trying to guess where the bleeding point is. Suturing the wound carries a great psychological risk, and everyone's very nervous! At this point, the only person who could keep her hand absolutely steady is probably Nora."

After saying this, he explained, "As far as I know, Nora's hands are incredibly steady. Back when she was abroad, she participated in a surgery where the lead surgeon was too shaky to operate, and it was Nora who stepped in and completed the procedure. Her mindset and state are naturally cut out for surgery!"