Chapter 754

The group headed straight for the bar, a whole crowd of them. 

Yes, in the middle of the morning, they went to a bar.

That man Ellie had been chasing was there, sitting in a corner booth with a girl in his arms when Keira walked in. 

She and Erin exchanged a glance before looking at Ellie.

They both figured that after seeing this, Ellie would finally be able to let go of this loser, right?

The guy was already playing around with other women... openly.

But Ellie, surprisingly unfazed, said flatly, "The girl he's holding is his girlfriend, Mollie."

Keira blinked. Erin just gawked. "Wait, what? He has a girlfriend, and you're still chasing after him?"

Ellie looked down. "He told me he has feelings for me, too. Just because he has a girlfriend doesn't mean he's married. He said he can't leave her right now because he feels responsible. But he promised me… he said he's going to marry me eventually."