Chapter 832

Erin shot her hand up immediately. "I'll go first!"

Keira glanced at her, amused.

This was the same Erin who always acted so secretive whenever Keira asked for details, guarding her information like it was the family's treasure. But now that Jenkins was here, she suddenly seemed eager to compete.

"Alright," Keira said with a nod. "Go ahead."

Erin cleared her throat dramatically. "So, over the years, I've gone back home a few times. It's always the same process. First, we take a boat out into the open sea. From there, a smaller boat comes to pick us up. At that point, they blindfold us, and we're on the water for about twelve hours. When we finally reach land, they still don't let us take off the blindfolds. We're immediately put in a carriage and taken to our respective homes."

Erin paused for effect, then added, "And when I finally get to take off the blindfold—bam! I'm home."

Keira blinked. "...Seriously?"