Chapter 1 Legal Day for Couples_1

"Don't leave..." She hugged his neck, not allowing him to leave.

Her burning body clung tightly to his firm, masculine form.

He asked, "Shen Feiwan, do you know who I am?"

With closed eyes, she was panting heavily.

It didn't matter who it was, she needed a man...

"I am Fu Shiyan."

Shen Feiwan's body tensed.

She opened her eyes abruptly, and the flawless handsome face up close was expressing a devilish grin. It was frightening yet addictive, like a poppy.

The last shred of sanity forced her to leave.

However, she was firmly trapped, "Too late."

He nibbled on her ear, "Let's go to hell together."

A wave of severe pain engulfed her entire body, followed by a surge of uncontrollable madness...

Three years later.

Shen Feiwan was reading trending news—

#PopularIdolBaiZhiOfficiallyLeavesGirlGroup, ReturnsHomeToday, FuFamilyHeirFuShiyanPersonallyPicksHerUp#

Photos of Fu Shiyan and Bai Zhi being intimate were going viral online.

The comments were all along the lines of, "Fu Da Shao and Bai Zhi are a match made in heaven."

"The two of you should just marry on the spot."

"True love never comes too late."

Shen Feiwan laughed coldly, and dialed Fu Shiyan's number.

After ten calls.

The line finally got picked up impatiently, "What is it?"

"It's nine o'clock."


"Tonight is our lawful marital day." She reminded him.

"If you can't wait, just sort yourself out."

The line was abruptly cut off as soon as he finished speaking.

Shen Feiwan put down her phone, looked at the mirror to see her meticulously dressed sexy and enchanting reflection. How ironic.

She had been married to Fu Shiyan for three years.

An accident one day led her to Fu Shiyan's bed, coincidentally just after Fu Shiyan and Bai Zhi had broken up. Through a bizarre series of events, the two of them, who couldn't stand the sight of each other, were pressed into marriage by the Fu family.

She had been his secretly wedded wife for three years.

Their marriage, a mere contract, was devoid of any profound sentiments.

The only thing proving their relationship was the monthly "lawful marital day."

But clearly, he wouldn't be returning tonight.

Shen Feiwan didn't intend to wait for him. She briskly changed out of her red silk slip into outdoor clothes, hopped into her ostentatious Lamborghini, and ventured out.

Yeyan was the biggest nightclub in Rong City.

The glamorous environment was very intoxicating.

Shen Feiwan booked a VIP room at the club and ordered ten male models to accompany her for a drink.


Message notifications on Fu Shiyan's phone were ringing incessantly.

He glanced at the consumption bill from "Yeyan Club", a flash of annoyance in his eyes.

"Shiyan, what's the matter?" Bai Zhi lay in her sickbed, weakly asking, "If you're busy, don't keep me company. I'm fine alone in the hospital."

Bai Zhi had called him tonight to tell him she was back in the country.

She mentioned that there were too many fans at the airport, that she'd just broken contract with her management team and didn't dare adventure out without bodyguards.

Most importantly, she was running a high fever and feeling incredibly dizzy.

Fu Shiyan had picked up Bai Zhi from the airport.

He carried a weakened Bai Zhi out of the airport and took her to the hospital.

When Shen Feiwan was relentlessly calling, he was accompanying Bai Zhi to her medical check-up.

Only now had he settled Bai Zhi in.

"Rest well. I've arranged everything here, fans and the media can't get in. Call out for the doctor if you need anything." Fu Shiyan said.

"Alright." Bai Zhi gave a faint smile.

Fu Shiyan turned around to leave.

"Shiyan." Bai Zhi called after his retreating figure in a low voice.

She said, "I still like you."

Fu Shiyan pursed his lips tightly, not responding.

He got into his black Maybach.

"To Yeyan." He ordered coldly.

His assistant, Ming Qi, paused for a moment before directing the driver to their destination.

Fu Shiyan strode purposefully into the private room.

Inside the room, a group of male models dressed in vests and shorts were doing gym exercises.

The music in the room was uptempo.

The woman sitting on the couch watching the performance was equally ecstatic.

Fu Shiyan sneered.

That smile was downright terrifying.

Ming Qi, standing behind him, was so frightened by the sudden icy atmosphere that he hardly dared to breathe.

He couldn't help but cast a glance at Shen Feiwan.

The boss lady sure had guts, was this a public provocation?!

Was it because the boss went to see his old flame?

Fu Shiyan walked up to Shen Feiwan and grabbed her chin forcefully, "Having fun?"

Shen Feiwan furrowed her eyebrows.

She was drunk and her eyes were hazy.

She reached out and felt the man in front of her chest, then grabbed it again.

Fu Shiyan's face turned ashen.

"Too small, I don't want." Shen Feiwan looked disgustedly and murmured, "I like muscular men, like them..."

"Shen, Fei, Wan!" Fu Shiyan gnashed his teeth.

"Why do you look so much like my deceased husband?" Shen Feiwan frowned with a puzzled look in her eyes.

Ming Qi's mouth was wide open in shock, he could swallow a whole egg.

All he could say was: 666.

"You look even more like him when you're angry, I like you even less." Shen Feiwan again expressed her dissatisfaction with him, "Go away, I won't have you... ah!"

Shen Feiwan suddenly let out a piercing scream.

Her body was roughly yanked from the couch and led out.

"Don't touch me..."

Shen Feiwan struggled to break free.

But failed to do so.

Bastard men always depend on their strength.

The two exited the party, and at the moment Fu Shiyan stuffed Shen Feiwan into the back seat,

"Vom." She vomited all over Fu Shiyan.

Fu Shiyan froze for a second.


And another mouthful, she vomited again.

"Shen Feiwan!" A murderous voice could barely contain itself.

She warned him, don't touch her!

The next day Shen Feiwan was awakened by her phone ringing.

Her fair arm surfaced from under the covers, she groped for her phone on the bedside table, her voice muffled with sleepiness, "Hello."

"You must have been exhausted last night?" Lin Nuannuan, her best friend, teased.

She was one of the few who knew about Shen Feiwan's marriage to Fu Shiyan.

And even fewer knew that they had one marital day a month.

"We didn't do it, I went to see the male models last night."

"What's the matter?" A sharp scream came from the other side, "Why didn't you call me to join?!"

Shen Feiwan's eardrums were about to shatter.

She struggled to climb out of bed, leaning on the head of the bed, "I was afraid you couldn't control yourself."

"At least I'm single!" Lin Nuannuan retorted indignantly.

"I want a divorce."

"What?! Fu Shiyan didn't want you anymore? Just because Bai Zhi came back, he no longer wants you?!"

Pretty much.

"Damn!" Lin Nuannuan snapped.

"By the way, how were the male models last night?" Lin Nuannuan, the friend who never catches priority, asked.

"They were fine, except for the last one that was like turd."

"Are you talking about Fu Shiyan?" Lin Nuannuan speculated.

"Who else could it be?"

"Are you saying you were caught in the act?" Lin Nuannuan couldn't contain her excitement, "That's too stimulating!"


The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.

Shen Feiwan's eyes moved slightly and fell on Fu Shiyan.

Their eyes met.

"I have to hang up." Shen Feiwan avoided his gaze and said to Lin Nuannuan.

The two had grown up together since they were young and were so close that they didn't need courtesies.

"The turd is there?"

"Uh-huh." Shen Feiwan responded.

And she even laughed a little.

After hanging up, she looked at Fu Shiyan with a stone-cold expression on his face.

She didn't know how much he had overheard.

She assumed he hadn't heard a thing.

"What's up?"

"What's this?" Fu Shiyan held a document in his hand.

Shen Feiwan glanced at it and said calmly, "A divorce agreement."