Chapter 139: Unforgettable White Moonlight (Second update) _1

Su Yin opened her eyes, and immediately met Ji Zhihan's handsome face.

But it was only for a second, as Ji Zhihan turned his head away.

Su Yin was taken aback.

Sort of in daze.

She heard Ji Zhihan say in an indifferent tone, "I was about to wake you up, hurry up and don't waste my time."

"Oh, alright." Su Yin recollected herself and hurriedly stopped her phone alarm.

She was also afraid of oversleeping.

She got up to freshen up in the bathroom, trying to wake up more fully.

Looking at the bathroom mirror, she seemed somewhat lost.

That second just now, in that moment when she opened her eyes, it seemed as if she saw a deep affection within Ji Zhihan's eyes, reminiscent of the way he looked when he was younger...

It must have been an illusion.

She was groggy at that time, perhaps it was just a dream.

Su Yin didn't think much of it. After quickly finishing her morning routine, she left with Ji Zhihan.

The car was as quiet as death.