Chapter 159: Thrilling Rescue_3

"My classmate's girlfriend is not just good looking, she is truly beautiful. Once she came to our class to find him and, you know Fu Shiyan, the Fu family's eldest young master, he was immediately enchanted, didn't even blink. You should know that Fu Shiyan is quite the figure at school, women who like him lined up all the way to France. So, you can imagine how beautiful a woman has to be for him to notice at first glance!" The friend spoke excitedly.

"Humph." Lin Nuannuan was even more dismissive, "Fu Shiyan's taste is good?! Look at that woman Bai Zhi, she's not even as good looking as me! Is Fu Shiyan blind?!"

Ditching Shen Feiwan, a beautiful woman, for Bai Zhi?!

That thought was enough to make her furious!

"Bai Zhi was an accident." The friend didn't think highly of Bai Zhi's looks either, "I've always thought that Fu Shiyan may have been interested in Bai Zhi because she might look a bit like..."