Chapter 304 Completely Separate (Part 1)_2

Otherwise, they might think she was just pretending to be pitiful again.

Su Yin took a deep breath, vigorously wiping her own tears.

The more she wiped, the more they flowed.

For a moment, she truly wanted to break down and cry.

But she held back.

Enduring it, she covered her face for the last time, then took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door.

She didn't know that at this very moment, Ji Zhihan in the bedroom, was watching the entire scene of her departure on his mobile phone.

The whole time frantically suppressing himself...

Su Yin carried her suitcase and entered the underground garage.

She had just finished packing when she received a message from He Wencheng, telling her to go to the garage after she was done packing, as he was waiting for her there, near Ji Zhihan's parking space.

As soon as the elevator door opened,

Su Yin saw He Wencheng standing at the elevator entrance smoking, extinguishing his cigarette butt when he saw her come out.