Chapter 357 Fu Shiyan's Firm Choice (Part 2)


"Lin Nuannuan!" Shen Feichi couldn't listen anymore, she couldn't help but call out to her.

Lin Nuannuan looked at Shen Feichi, "This banquet, just like you, is a disgrace."


Lin Nuannuan arrogantly hooked Shen Feiwan's arm, "Let's go, Wanwan."

Shen Feiwan smiled and left with Lin Nuannuan.

Fu Shiyan hesitated for a moment.

But still followed Shen Feiwan's steps.

"Shiyan." Bai Zhi couldn't believe it as she watched Fu Shiyan leave without looking back.

She thought that at the very least, Fu Shiyan would stay to help her hold the fort.

With Shen Feiwan and Lin Nuannuan causing such a scene, how could the banquet continue?

If he were there, at least some people would give him face.

Now that he's gone, who would help her?!

Did he really not care about her at all?!

Even if he didn't care about her, he should at least care about the Fulan Jewelry brand.

By doing this, it's like he's giving up on Fulan Jewelry.

Fu Shiyan is not such an irrational person.