Chapter 285: Chasing After the Wife (Part 2)

She had been happy for many years.

It was the same this time.

And it surely would be the same.

Lin Nuannuan kept wiping her tears away.

She took a deep breath and slowly, it seemed like she got them under control.

But at that moment, she still turned her head back.

Looking at the night's desolate neighborhood gate.

How could Huo Xu possibly come chasing after her?

What was she hoping for anyway?!

Lin Nuannuan calmed her emotions and hailed a cab on the street.

The sedan pulled up right in front of the former "Fu Family Courtyard", the place where Shen Feiwan and Xu Rufeng now resided.

She pressed the doorbell.

A servant came to open the door.

"Miss Lin, it's so late, why are you..."

"I'm here to see Wanwan; don't worry about me, go get some rest."

Lin Nuannuan walked into the courtyard very naturally.

Then she went straight to knock on Shen Feiwan's room door, "Wanwan."

Shen Feiwan sighed and crawled out of bed.

Lin Nuannuan really knew how to stir trouble.