Chapter 396: A Mistaken Comedy of Errors (Second Update)

Shen Feiwan soothed Dick for a while, helped him wash up, and then held him at the dining table.

Sister Liu had prepared both Western and Chinese breakfasts and set them on the table.

Dick had hardly ever seen Chinese food, and the Chinese food abroad really wasn't tasty, so he only took some bread and milk.

Shen Feiwan and Xu Rufeng were both drinking porridge, eating some Chinese pastries.

"Mommy, can I go out to play?" Dick asked Shen Feiwan.

"You want to go out and play?"

"Uh-huh," Dick said. "I want to go to the amusement park; Great-uncle promised he'd take me there to play."

"But Mommy has work today and can't get away."

Dick's little face instantly fell.

Because he was cute and handsome, that pitiful look really made him hard to refuse.

But Shen Feiwan indeed had a very important meeting today and also needed to go to the site to confirm the details of the opening ceremony—she really couldn't spare the time.