Chapter 24: 2 Bo Got Sick _1

Deep in the winter, at the tail end of the year, the weather was particularly chilly.

Yingbao had run a dozen or so laps in the threshing field with Youyou before returning home with Dani and her sister.

This was her daily exercise routine, which also served to train the deer to be more docile and obedient, so that one day it could serve as her mount.

Leng Family's third son, who was cooking in the kitchen, stuck his head out when he saw his daughter come home: "Your uncles have given you three hundred coins, Dad put them on your bed table. Hurry up and put them away."

"Oh." Yingbao put Youyou in the hay shed, filled the stone trough with fodder, and then ran off to the west room.

Three hundred copper coins were threaded on a fine linen rope, fifty coins per string, and when piled together they formed a small pile that was pleasing to the eye.