Chapter 39: Lodging a Complaint_1

The next day, as expected, Yingbao 'found' a lot of water chestnuts again.

The water chestnuts were scattered all around the ditch, a few plants here, a few plants there, and even more further out.

She would always manage to pull a few plants out of the water during the times when Dani and Erni were not paying attention.

This confused Dani and Erni quite a bit.

Erni, being young with less experience, thought she did not have the sharp eyesight like her younger cousin, hence she couldn't find the bare stalks hiding in the ditch.

Puzzled, ten-year-old Dani did not understand how her cousin could pluck out several bare stalks laden with water chestnuts from places in the ditch she had already searched and found nothing.

Oh well, they gave up, figuring since they aren't finding anything, they might as well let their little cousin do the searching, and they would gather what she found.