Chapter 62: There is a Difference in Golden Ears_1

Upon hearing the Clan Leader suggesting that her husband should divorce her, the woman immediately slumped to the ground and started crying and wailing inconsolably.

At this moment, the crowd was in an uproar.

"Jiang Sanlang is back! The child has been saved!"

"It's alright now, both children are safe."

The crowd parted to let the Jiang Sanlang brothers through, all eyes on them as they carried the child into the house.

Chunniang, who had been brought back to consciousness, collapsed once again in joyous relief upon learning her daughter and son were safe and sound.

After the commotion, Chen Ergou's wife was taken into custody. Sun Licheng, the Lizheng, heard the case and signed his name to the instructions, and then she was escorted to the County Government to await the County Magistrate's judgement.

Since Chen Ergou's wife shouldered all the blame, Chen Ergou was still able to continue living in the village.