Chapter 71: Cotton Bumper Harvest (Thanks for the children's monthly tickets, add one more chapter) _1

This afternoon, after school had let out, Lady Wen said that there was no need to go to school in the afternoon, so Yingbao and her two younger brothers went with their mother to the South Slope to pick cotton.

All the cotton planted on the South Slope had completely bloomed and was ready for harvest.

The entire Jiang Family and some villagers were helping pick cotton in the fields, and most of it was already picked.

By the time Yingbao and her mother arrived, the white cotton that had been picked was piled up on the bluestone slabs in the courtyard, forming three large heaps.

"Oh, so this is cotton." Chen Cunzheng and the Clan Leader, having nothing better to do, strolled over to the Jiang Family's new house on the South Slope. Seeing a yard full of white cotton, they couldn't help but grab a handful to examine.

"It's really soft!" The Clan Leader couldn't get enough of the fine, soft cotton. He asked Jiang Sanlang, "Sanlang, are you selling this cotton?"